St. Croix Stories
St. Croix Stories aims to highlight the people and places that make the riverside town of Hudson, Wisconsin unique. Hear from local business owners, leaders, and others who contribute to this community in a variety of ways. Whether you're a longtime Hudson resident or someone simply interested in learning more about what this town has to offer, this podcast is for you.
St. Croix Stories
Hudson Hot Air Affair
One of the biggest events every year in Hudson is the Hot Air Affair, which brings dozens of hot air balloons and thousands of people to Hudson every winter. Held annually on the first weekend of February, the Hudson Hot Air Affair has evolved into a community-wide event that includes much more than just the launching of hot air balloons. From fireworks and a parade, to a craft fair and local fundraisers, there's something for everybody to enjoy during the Hot Air Affair.
On this episode of St. Croix Stories, we hear from two people who have been involved with the Hudson Hot Air Affair for a long time: John Knutson, one of the event's five founders, and Ken Walter, a balloonist from the Milwaukee area who has been bringing his balloons to Hudson for 20 years.
To learn more about the Hudson Hot Air Affair, go to hudsonhotairaffair.com.
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