St. Croix Stories
St. Croix Stories aims to highlight the people and places that make the riverside town of Hudson, Wisconsin unique. Hear from local business owners, leaders, and others who contribute to this community in a variety of ways. Whether you're a longtime Hudson resident or someone simply interested in learning more about what this town has to offer, this podcast is for you.
St. Croix Stories
Phipps Center for the Arts
For more than 40 years, the Phipps Center for the Arts has been an important part of the Hudson community. While most people might think of the theater when they think of the Phipps, it offers so much more — from art classes to dance to galleries and more.
To learn more about the history of the Phipps and about its future, we're joined by two guests on this week's St. Croix Stories. First, new executive director Ben Thietje shares about how the lessons he learned starting a community theater in New Prague, Minn., have translated to his role at the Phipps. Then, production director Mark Koski shares stories from his more than 20 years both behind the scenes and on the stage at the Phipps.
Of course, the Phipps continues to thrive thanks to countless volunteers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can get involved or want to go behind the scenes at the Phipps, be sure to attend the free, family-friendly Phipps Community Day on February 24. You can find more info here.
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